Marco Tompitak

Data Engineer/Scientist

Stanford - Statistical Learning R Code

19 Jul 2017 » data-science

Code for the Stanford Statistical Learning course

When I took the Statistical Learning course over at Stanford Lagunita, I also wrote R code to tackle the practical exercises in the accompanying book, An Introduction to Statistical Learning. I uploaded the code to a GitHub repository. Here is a brief description of the code.

Chapter 1 Introduction no code
Chapter 2 Overview of Statistical Learning basic introductory R code
Chapter 3 Linear Regression (multiple) linear regressions
Chapter 4 Classification logistic regression and discriminant analysis
Chapter 5 Resampling Methods cross-validation and bootstrap
Chapter 6 Selection and Regularization stepwise model selection, lasso, ridge regression, etc.
Chapter 7 Moving Beyond Linearity fitting polynomials, splines, generalized additive models
Chapter 8 Tree-Based Methods trees, bagging, random forests and boosting
Chapter 9 Support Vector Machines SVMs in R
Chapter 10 Unsupervised Learning principal components; k-means and hierarchical clustering